#MomLife: It's The Little Things

With the hustle and bustle of life taking it’s toll, I absolutely live for meal time. This is one of my favorite parts of the day because Peyton and I bond on a whole other level.

We have matching kitchens and enjoy “cooking” together (me for her, and her for our Morkie Diesel), and she is at the age where she is even excited about cleaning up afterwards. BUT, it’s the dinner time conversation that is everything.

Peyton runs down every single thing that happened in her day in her best two-year- old way. Telling me everyone who cried at school today, who’s lunch she attempted to eat, and every new song or concept they went over at her school. There are absolutely no secrets with the two of us and if there is something you don’t want repeated it would be best to make sure Peyton is not around.

My opinionated mini is very specific about the things she wants and will repeat it 50 million times until you acknowledge her requests. In an effort to avoid that we have now invested in 5 Sure Grip Miracle Mats, specifically the bear shaped option. Peyton is not trying to eat off of any other plate these days and will tell anyone that will listen about her “bear plate.” Anyone who is a frequent visitor on my Instastories has been privy to these conversations. I love it because it keeps her plate secure and avoids any extra accidents. Plus, it is the perfect size to control portion amounts.

Another new request is to do absolutely everything like Mommy! So, in an effort to transition her from her straw cups to a regular cup we are trying the Nuby 360 Wonder Cup. What I love is that it can be sipped from all sides and is absolutely spill proof! Yes, I said spill proof! So, that equals one less thing for mom to have to clean and gives me more time to make memories with my mini!

Share one of your favorite memories (and toddler tales) with me! What is your favorite way to create family time with a toddler?


Please Note: Some of the products mentioned in this post were sponsored. All comments about these product are my own and I have and will always remain transparent about my opinions. I will not endorse any products that I would not and do not use in my own household.