#MomLife: After The Baby with ApexM Pelvic Floor Muscle Stimulator


My little one is three years old but it seem like just yesterday that I was taking her home from the hospital and diving head first into this thing called motherhood. I took so many classes to learn how to handle her (which was a waste of money and time) but not too many people prepared me for how to take care of me. I mean, I always heard the “sleep when the baby sleeps” stuff which I feel is unrealistic advice because, when exactly does the laundry get done, the food get cooked, or the house get cleaned if you adopt that mindset?

The thing that I was most unprepared for were the changes in my body. I knew my stomach area would take some time to get readjusted and I knew that my vaginal area would not be ready for any extracurricular activities - those were a given. But, why didn’t any of you guys tell me that for the next couple of months whenever I sneezed, laughed too hard, or got super stressed out, I could experience bladder leakage!?! Nobody talks about that part do they? LOL! Now, there are certain exercises that you can do that will strengthen your pelvic floor muscle and will help you recover from childbirth faster but, did you know there is a device that does the same thing at a faster rate?! I didn’t either, until now.


Not too long ago I was introduced to the ApexM Pelvic Floor Muscle Stimulator which can pretty much alleviate all of those issues in one simple move. It is like kegels on steroids ladies! Although we are all hella tired as moms, you definitely do not want to let the romance die in your relationship either, right? This device uses a muscle stimulation algorithm to strengthen and tone pelvic floor muscles which will ENHANCE INTIMACY. The biggest win is that it will only take 10 minutes a day!

You know we love talking about the things that most people tend to ignore so, I had to share this with you guys! Not only would this be awesome for new moms but for older ladies dealing with some of the same bladder issues as well. We have got to protect our yoni ladies! And, in that same spirit, we have to start being more open an honest about the way we are going about doing that! There are so many things I have experienced post-Peyton that were not all warm and fuzzy that I wish someone would have hipped me to before they happened!

What are some of the things you wish you would have known before becoming a mom? Was I the only one out here having “accidents” like I was a potty training two year old?!

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Please Note: The products mentioned in this post were sponsored. I was paid to give an honest review of the Apex Pelvic Floor Muscle Stimulator.  All comments about these products are my own and I have and will always remain transparent about my opinions. I will not endorse any products that I would not and do not use in my own household.