Getting Geared Up For Smoothie Life with Green Blender

Can you believe how fast 2017 is going?! Maybe it’s just me because so many things are happening at once but, I already find myself preparing for our annual Green Smoothie Challenge. For those of you who are new to this, for one month we try to dedicate ourselves to incorporating one green smoothie into our day either as a meal replacement or as a snack. This way we get in the habit of incorporating more leafy greens into our diet and learn how beneficial adding more fruits and veggies into our diet can be for our mind, body, and soul. Some people can’t get down with the smoothie life because they think it is too time consuming. If that is you, I think I may have a solution for you!

I had the opportunity to try out Green Blenders smoothie subscription services for a week and I think it may be able to help some of you guys out. Basically, every week you will receive a box delivered straight to your doorstep that will highlight five smoothie recipes and ingredients to create two servings of each! This creates a situation where you don’t have to plan, you don’t have to prepare, you just have to do it! Convenience at it’s best!

I am sharing two videos of recipes that were included in my green blender box, so that you can see just how easy and convenient the process is! Also, these two were Peyton’s top two favorites out of the five. We use green smoothies as a meal replacement in our home and pair them with additional fruits and veggies on the side to create a full meal (note: both Peyton and I eat 5-6 times a day, grazing is what works best with her digestive issues and to be a team player I usually just follow suit)

Carrot Apple Protein Smoothie

Green Blender Taste Nirvana Pineapple CoCo Mint Smoothie

Loving the videos?! We are currently crushing on the Nuby 360 Plus Cup and Bottle Set that helps to ease colic and is offered in a set that you can grow with from birth to big girl status as well as the Nuby Bamboo Printed Bowl that was featured above which is super eco friendly, bpa free, dishwasher safe, and sturdy for all of those terrific two tantrums!

So what do you think? Could Green Blender be something that you would be willing to try out in your household? Are you crushing on all things Nuby like we are? Be honest.

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Please Note: Some of the products mentioned in this post were sponsored. All comments about these product are my own and I have and will always remain transparent about my opinions. I will not endorse any products that I would not and do not use in my own household.