Prioritizing Self

It is time for the weekend! How are you feeling today? Such a simple question that somehow feels much more difficult to answer these days. I asked this question on Instagram yesterday, and so many of you responded that you're feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and anxious.

When we are faced with a threat, our adrenal glands flood our body with a stress hormone that puts us into a state of "fight or flight." Unfortunately, our bodies and minds typically aren't equipped for being in this state for extended periods. And this can lead to many issues such as chronic stress, mood swings, insomnia, emotional exhaustion, and more.

During times like this, it's even more crucial to prioritize our self-care. We need to fill up our cup before we can do our part to help anyone else. 

What does self-care look like to youand what if you "don't have time for it?" 

My suggestion is to try to set aside just 15 minutes in the morning and evening to journal, listen to relaxing music, meditate, or do some gentle stretches. Take time to unplug from social media and the news. Eat your favorite healthy meal that will fuel you and set a routine to go to bed around the same time every night.

No matter what self-care looks like for you, please don't feel guilty for taking the time to take care of yourself. I'm trying to take my own advice and do the same.