#MomLife: College Ave Makes Student Loans Make Sense

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This post is sponsored by College Ave Student Loans. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


Peyton is far from college ready at the ripe age of four, however, you guys know that I am also a mom to about 300 high school seniors. And while government is what they pay me to teach, I feel most of our time is spent discussing life choices and what adulting looks like.  I just recently finished my second master's degree, so the discussion of student loans and if they are really "worth it" are conversations I am constantly replaying, not only with myself, but with my students as well.


College Ave Student Loans makes it all make sense. MBA programs, and postgraduate degrees in general, can cost tens of thousands of dollars. And the average medical degree costs more than $180,000. Because of this, it is likely you may need to borrow to help pay for a graduate degree, and after scholarships, grants, savings and income fall short, private student loans are one option to consider. Keep in mind that a good rule of thumb is that you should not borrow more than you expect to make in your first year of salary. 


Going to graduate school is a decision that requires a big investment – of your emotions, time, energy, commitment level, not to mention money. When deciding whether or not to pursue a postgraduate degree, you must weigh the big questions – Will this degree advance my career? What is the return on my investment? Then it’s time to think about how to pay for it. College Ave takes the stress out of covering the costs of any postgraduate degree and offers a simple application, helpful tools, instant credit decision, and great customer service. After assessing several different financial tools and options, College Ave has a lot of great resources and tools on its site that can really help you weigh  if graduate school is "worth it." With researching all of your options, I share that same enthusiasm with my former students who are always coming back for life tools and advice.


My dad encouraged me to get my M.Ed emphasizing how if I wouldn’t want to go back to school once I was older and that I should go ahead and get it just in case. I had to get loans but am grateful for that advice. In a world where undergraduate degrees are sometimes not enough, going back to school for advanced learning is becoming a necessity. I am grateful that we are focusing more on educating potential candidates, and providing them with resources like College Ave, which make the financial aspect a breeze.



This post is sponsored by College Ave Student Loans. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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