Guess What Guys?! I'm A Spi Belt Ambassador!

You all know that I am trying out new ways to get my fitness in and running (or in my case, speed walking) and hiking are a great way to get in your steps and not have to worry about a babysitter  because that stroller is life!  The only issue I’ve had is figuring out what I’m going to do with all of my stuff!  On hikes or runs, bringing a gym bag is a no and carrying extra stuff is just a hassle. BUT I need to keep certain things with me at all times (especially with a baby in tow) so, what’s a girl to do? This is when the SPIBelt comes into play.

Spibelts offer you a convenient and cute way to carry phones, keys, cash, and credit cards while you are on the go.  They have some pretty amazing people rocking their product and have been featured in Runner’s World, Shape Magazine, Buzzfeed, PopSugar Fitness and Health Magazine, just to name a few. This is why it was such an honor when I was named as an ambassador for the brand! Like I really had to read the email 5+ times to make sure they had the right person. Needless to say, I am excited to be working with them and this means I will get to bring exclusive news and goodies to my readers and social media followers, so it looks like it will be a win for both of us huh?

Pictured is the Panache Belt: Spi Belt

Outfit: Puma

Plus you can use code Brittany2016 to get a free goody bag (body glide, race toggles, and a sticker) that will be included in your purchase! This is perfect for my runner friends and mommy friends because they serve a dual purpose as an easy compartment for all of those mommy and me adventures you go on!

Have you ever purchased a SpiBelt? If so, tell me some of your favorite things about the product. If not head to the site and share which products made it on your wish list?