#FitChicks: Get Bossy with Jamie King

Have you ever encountered someone who just likes what they like, and does what they do? Someone that takes risks and does not put themselves in a box?  That decision to march to the beat of their own drum is, ultimately, what leads to their awesomeness. This is how we would describe Jamie King. Jamie makes sure that her readers and followers know that she is focusing her energy on the things that she likes, which just happens to include fitness, food,smoothies ( she is definitely my spirit animal in this sense), travel, and being a puppy mommy just to name a few.  

You want to find out exactly why Mrs. King is our June Boss Chick?  See below why this awesome lady has made her way into our hearts and has inspired us in the most BOSSiest way possible.

Image Jamie King via Instagram

Image Jamie King via Instagram

1. She Sweats Pink

Literally.  Jamie is the co-founder of the Sweat Pink Community which allows fitness enthusiasts and experts  to connect with brands and also provides a sisterhood in an e-space that some consider to be oversaturated.  To all those who consider themselves fit chicks and to those brands wanting to weed through the chaos, FitApproach and the Sweat Pink community deliver the best of the best! She also is the head chick in charge at Sweat Guru which allows fitness studios and events to receive marketing assistance to fully dominate in any task.  She also operates Flex and Flow which is a community-centered yoga, bootcamp, and fitness studio based in Portland, Oregon.

Image Jamie King via Instagram

Image Jamie King via Instagram

2.  Jamie is Unapologetically Jamie

If you are a frequent visitor to JamieKingFit.com then you know that Jamie doesn’t claim to be anything more than herself.  She is transparent, always reminding her readers that she is “not a nutritionist, an RD, a doctor or a nurse.”

Take whatever I say with a grain of salt. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to read or follow along!

In an age where everyone wants to be an expert, it is kind of refreshing when someone let’s you know that they are only speaking from their experience and that they just hope you can get something from it to inspire you .

Image Jamie King via Instagram

3. She Empowers Others

To create a business that serves as a platform to help others live their dreams is undeniably awesome! Think of it like this: with the skills she and co-founder Alyse Mason Brill possess, they could totally utilize all of their connections and know-how to benefit their own personal causes. But, they teamed up to create a platform that allows other fitness bloggers and influencers to shine.  Now, that’s a boss!

Be sure you keep up with all things Jamie by checking out the links below.  

Website: http://jamiekingfit.com/

Twitter: JamieKingFit

Instagram: JamieKingFit

Facebook: Sweat Guru

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