3 Ways To Eliminate Stress Before It Starts *Giveaway*

The holidays are such a fun time full of family, friends, and the opportunity to create so many memories. But, we also know that the holidays can sometimes bring stress and negative emotions mostly caused by tension from family, financial stress, and loneliness.

Today, I am going to attack the problems before they even get a chance to fester and share with you my top 3 ways to de-stress and get prepared to take on whatever the holidays throw at you. We are all about being proactive and luckily Designer Protein is just as focused in helping my readers come out of the holiday season as winners. This great brand has partnered with me to help you guys focus on ways to #HealthUpYourHoliday !

3 Ways To Eliminate Stress Before It Starts

Eliminate Unnecessary Commitments: I don’t know about you, but trying to see EVERYBODY and do EVERYTHING in one day is super annoying. With so many family members and factors it can be hard to squeeze everybody in and it can also bring on stress trying to accomplish that goal. So, what about we just don’t? It is ok to say no. It is ok to want to build your own traditions in your own home and invite people to you. Our older family members will try to make us feel guilty but, don’t let them. Control what you can control and that is YOU.


Eat Right:  I am not going to tell you to eliminate all of your favorite holiday treats but, I am going to insist that you practice moderation and maybe even sneak in some “health conscious” alternatives along with your traditional favorites. Stress levels can be closely associated with a proper diet. We allow ourselves to get so busy that we forget to eat and compensate with doubling up on our food consumption later which is no bueno. If you do not have time to prepare and consume a meal, try using a cool supplement to give you all of the nutrition you need in half of the time. This month, I have been using Vanilla Designer Whey Protein as my go-to breakfast option. Mix in some frozen mangoes and this girl is in her happy place!  It definitely beats planning to prepare this amazing breakfast and then realizing you don’t have the time.

Move More: In anticipation of the stress, make an effort to move more! Add in an extra workout. My new thing is getting up during commercial breaks and getting active by doing some jumping jacks, crunches, or just cleaning up around the house. This is due in part to my new Misfit Ray Activity Tracker which instills competition not only with my friends but with myself. It also helps because I will sit down at my computer to write up stuff for the site and three hours later the only movement my body has gotten is my fingers and wrists. That’s just not enough.


What are some ways you beat the stress before it has a chance to surface? Are you planning on making an attempt to #HealthUpYouHolidays? Leave a comment and tell me how! Plus make sure you enter below for a chance to try out Designer Protein for yourself!


Please Note: Some of the products mentioned in this post were sponsored. All comments about these product are my own and I have and will always remain transparent about my opinions. I will not endorse any products that I would not and do not use in my own household.